So you want to join a fleet but you can’t find any of the ships in the MOTD on Contract in UALX. Not to worry! You will soon be an expert at Purchasing and Fitting ships via the fitting tool!
Find the Fitting button on your task bar as seen here.

Make sure you have “Alliance Fittings” selected

Then simply browse to whichever ship type you want to fit and you can even use the handy Search bar

Having found your ship simply right click and select “Buy All”

This will bring up the buy menu

You can also select multiples by modifying the “Number of Orders” window at the top right to say 2 or more.
Keeping the Fitting tool open, navigate to your Ship Hangar and find the new ship you just bought and board it.

Name your ship something catchy:

Then go back to the fitting window and right click on the fitting desired and select “Fit To Active Ship”

Click “Yes” to Fit Rigs, but you may want to check “Do Not Ask me Again”

You are now piloting the ship needed for the fleet and this will have taken you less than 3 minutes

Now go forth and have fun and as always, Fly Safe.